I thought it was about time to introduce you to the most important(!) part of our team, meet GINGER! She is a 1974 MK1 Ford Granada and is John's pride and joy. She came into John's life last spring and he has lavished much love and car polish on her, he polishes the top and I do the bottom bits that he can't manage! And yes it is the same car that was in the Sweeney, we get lots of comments about that! Alas though we have had our first hiccup. We decided to put a new engine in Ginger and went to pick her up last Saturday. John was very excited, he hadn't even SEEN his car for a couple of months! We stopped to fill up with petrol and just as we started again we had an enormous backfire which managed to blow the exhaust apart at the seams! Luckily we were two seconds from the garage so it was straight back in, sounding like a tank! The engine seemed to be running fine but there must have been a reason for a buildup to cause such a big backfire so she is staying in the garage to find out the problem. Ah well thats old cars for you! Have a look at our charity page to find out why I am telling you about an old car!
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