The check list is impressive;
- Passports
- Driving Licenses - we are still waiting for John's new photo one - but not panicking yet...
- Insurance documents
- Car log book
- MOT certificate - got a nice new one!
- Medical insurance card
- Breakdown cover
- Roadmaps of Europe
- Sat Nav
- Headlight adapters
- Warning triangle
- Fluorescent jacket
- Spare bulb kit
- First Aid kit
- Fire Extinguisher
- Tool kit
- Crash Helmet for track day
- Red Bull and Buzz Gum!!!
- Tyre weld or mini spare
- Spanner/socket set
- pliers
- oil
- cable ties
- gaffer tape
- water
- petrol can (with petrol in it!)
- spare fuses
- wheel brace and jack
- hose clips
- cooland hose repair kit
- coil of stout wire (to tie your exhaust on with when it falls off!)
We are taking EVERYTHING on both lists as well as some extras - oh the joy of an enormous boot!
- Haynes manual - bible for how to mend car!
- tow rope
- extra oil (special stuff for our old girl)
- pillow - for sleepy heads in the middle of night drive
- spare parts - hoses, spark plugs, etc
- mobile phone - for when we break down in the middle of the night/on top of a mountain!
- laptop - to keep you up to date
- Sports mix sweeties
- A big bag of GOOD LUCK